Friday 13 September 2013

100 Word Challenge: Tabitha

One sunny morning a little girl called Molly and her dad went fishing. They caught the deadliest fish on the planet. They were so pleased with themselves because they had tried for so long  to catch this seriously dangerous fish! They took the fish to the scientists who had given them the mission to find the fish in the first place. The scientists were very excited.  Suddenly, without warning the fish grew in size and attacked a scientist.  Polly, the scientist was in big trouble and needed to go to the hospital urgently….

100 Word Challenge: Amelia

Whilst on a camping trip with her Mum and Dad Alice and her best friend Sara decided to go to the river and do a spot of fishing. Alice and Sara challenged each other to a competition - who would be the first one to catch a fish. They put the worms on the hocks and started fishing. All of a sudden there was a tug at Sara’s rod “Look Alice, it’s huge! Feel how wet and slimy it is and look how its eyes are bulging” “Lets hold it Sara, I hope it won’t bite me!

100 Word Challenge: Jessie

“Ahhhhhhh!” get it off me screamed Laura like it was the end of humanity.
“But it’s the biggest fish I've ever caught plus he really likes you” argued Simon, trying not to sound too much of a know it all.
“I don’t care how much it likes me it’s destroying my vintage dress.”
“Simon” called Mrs Lowersmith from the other side of the pond. “Thats an amazing fish, the largest in school history!”.  “Quick call the papers!” she yelled.  “Really”, thought Laura.
The next day, with Simon’s face on the front page…”Simon, said Laura, what are doing tonight?”

100 Word Challenge: Wiliam

Billy Thatcher was 14.  He and his best friend Charles acted like 5 year olds when together. It was a cold winters morning as they headed off to the lake fishing.  The two boys were wrapped up warm whilst they sat on a chair drinking tasty hot chocolate at the lakeside.  Billy cast his rod into the lake and before he knew it, he landed a monster fish.  To his amazement, the catch was a rare ‘pinka’.  These fish could sing and hypnotise humans.  The boys looked startled at each other, not knowing what would happen.  This was the beginning.

100 Word Challenge: Jessica

Today I went fishing,  I caught a huge purple fish with big bobbly eyes and sharp teeth like a shark! Eeek!!  I put it in my boat and started paddling home as quickly as I could. Then I heard  mumbling - “Is anyone there.”? I looked at the fish  and there it was again. Although this time a little louder and clearer. I think it was telling me to put it back,  could it be the fish.?  Suddenly the fishes mouth started to move in synchronization with the words…..” Please put me back” !!  - I had caught a talking fish!

100 Word Challenge: Oliver

It was a sunny morning and Jim was walking down to the lake for a daily fish. Tim had ginger hair brown eyes and loved to wear leather jackets. When Jim got to the lake there was a fishing contest on to see who could catch the biggest fish.Jim was determined to win. He was a great fisher

“Let the contest begin!” said the judge.Jim began to fish,several minutes later Jim had caught the biggest fish ever, The Worm fish!Jim had won the competition!Jim walked home with the grand prize of a new fishing rod.  

100 Word Challenge: Lauren

It was a fresh Saturday morning and Harvey was going fishing with his father. Once they were out on the lake Harveys father told him a rumor that there was only one fish in the lake, and that they were going to catch it.

” Fish and chips for lunch” said Harvey’s father. Two hours went by and Harvey was getting bored. Suddenly there was a tug on the line and a big pink fish jumped out of the water and into Harvey’s arms Harvey dropped the fish and his dad said “so much for Fish and Chips for our lunch!

Friday 6 September 2013

100 Word Challenge: Dylan & Tabitha

Once there was a wizard who wanted to take over the world with his magic and his evilness. His wife loved the fact that he wanted to take over the world but theres one thing that she didn't know about her husband that he wanted to take over the world and make it mean. So she went to the shop to buy some eggs from a stranger who was selling eggs. He saw the eggs and took them and examined them and they found out they were dragon eggs. "Suddenly I heard a crack" said wizard. What happened next…

100 Word Challenge: Greg & Sam

In the dark of the night in the church of Cremwell I was strolling around casually, looking at the gravestones. Until suddenly I heard a crack, I looked behind me, but nothing or no one was there. I saw a dark figure emerging out of the fog. I closed my eyes forgetting what I saw. I spied a shadow on the floor, Then I looked up and there he was standing right in front of me. I went to turn round but I was too late, two more zombies appeared in front of me. I will never forget that night!

100 Word Challenge: Jess and Ffion

It was 4am. Suddenly I heard a crack. It scared me and I didn’t  know what  was going on.  All of  a sudden my bedroom door slammed shut. I clambered out of bed and tiptoed to the other side of the room. The lights flickered on and off even though no one else was in sight. I opened the door to see a strange figure standing before me. “Hello, anyone there.” I said, my jaw chattering. In a flash of lightning the strange figure had vanished. BANG. Another door slammed shut. I thought to myself carefully. Who is this figure?

100 Word Challenge: Jessie & Charlie

Suddenly I heard a crack! I Tiptoed downstairs to see what was going on. No-one was there, just black darkness whispering and surrounding me. I went back upstairs to see if mum and dad were still asleep, they were but all I could hear was the wind howling. I knew it wasn’t just my imagination so what was it? There the noise was again crack, crack, crack. Standing there as still as a statue was a man dressed in black who was he where did he come from what did he want...

100 Word Challenge: Oliver and Sophie

It was one of those days when you knew something bad was going to happen. Suddenly I heard a crack. I fell through the pavement into a dark, damp,slimy cave. I took one step and felt a shiver down my spine. Devils and dragons, goblins to mystical creatures everywhere. I was tempted to run but the dragons stopped me. I was petrified of the devils and the mystical creatures I saw the light and took my chance to run the dragons took off after me but were too slow to catch me and never ever spoke a word again.

100 Word Challenge: Lauren & Jack

It was a windy Sunday morning Dad had just gone out to buy a paper from the local shop.
I didn’t like being home alone very much I normally watch tv but not today.
The night before I watched a horror film. I don’t like admitting it but I was scared.
I just sat in the old arm chair by the window, which was covered in condensation.
Suddenly I heard a crack it made me jump out my seat. Dad walked in and pointed at the window there was a huge crack in it and a stone on the windowsill.

100 Word Challenge: Ben & Amelia

I gazed up into another silent night in the dark forest then suddenly I heard a crack. Searching for the source of the sound I stood up and what I saw made me want to scream, a shriveled up figure coated in shadow was hobbling towards me I cowered behind an old Oak, I clasped a rotten branch thinking it would help. I took an extremely deep breath and jumped from behind the tree, the figure gasped and took a step back, a step back into the moonlight. It was my gran “Oh, just lost my way!” She smiled. Phew!

100 Word Challenge: Josh & Izzy

Then the floorboards creaked, He was heading towards me! He burst into my room I tried to  screech but nothing came out of my mouth.Suddenly I heard a crack. I almost hid but I kept silent and didn’t move then my dad came in saying, what's all that noise. The robber turned round and dad ran and got a phone. As Dad called the police the robber went away running, fortunately for us he was not from here so he ran towards the police station and got caught. Luckily our stuff came back to us. The robber was jailed.